
目前分類:好聽音樂 (7)

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Overture ~88                    Valse~92                    Galop~76

Overture(1-16)~90           Valse (1-16)~96      

Overture(A+B)~90            Valse (A)~96 

Overture(C+D)~90            Valse (B)~96 

Overture(E)~90                 Valse (C+D)~96 

Overture(F+G)~90            Valse (E+F)~96 

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很棒的反戰歌曲,獻給還在戰爭地區的孩子們......... Tell Me Why In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see Is a world full of people in need
Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed? Tell me why (why) cos I don't understand When so many need somebody We don't give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday I ask myself What will I have to do to be a man? Do I have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who I am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war?    Tell me why? Tell me why? Tell me why? Tell me why? Just tell me why, why, why? Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why (why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why (why,why)

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EPIK HIGH 是韓國知名的嘻哈饒舌組合,影片是該團在2007年金唱片頒獎典禮上的表演。在韓國傳統樂器~伽倻琴的伴奏下,前衛的嘻哈饒舌曲風,展現不同的風格..........。 

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